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An Article Worth Reading - Raid Awareness

This isn't a particularly new article, but he sums up pretty excellently the importance of raid awareness and how to use/design your UI to help you improve.
Some of my favorite quotes:
-"The MVP of your raid group isn’t the person at the top of the DPS meter; it’s the person who hasn’t died by standing in fire in 3 months."
-"Even if you think your problem at a boss was “bad strategy”, realize how much this implicates your raiders’ error rates. Without mistakes, any strategy would take only one attempt to try and reject. Any wipe could be followed by a raid-level strategic improvement. Errors in play during the attempts are the reason a strategy persists for many attempts or even whole raid nights before enough evidence is gathered that something needs to be changed."
-"If somebody pricked you with a needle every time the fire appeared under you, you’d notice it immediately 100% of the time... This is the principle you want to keep in mind when configuring your actual UI to recreate that result in a more practical, and less painful, manner."
-"Your job as a raider isn’t to never cause wipes—it’s impossible to learn a boss without wiping unless you’re doing trivial content. It’s to make every wipe you cause into one where the raid learns something."

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